Practical Action Latin America Regional Office
Call for consultants
“Review of the potential risks and benefits of a local registration in Bolivia”
Background: Practical Action is an international development organisation that puts ingenious ideas to work so people in poverty can change their world. Practical Action helps people find solutions to some of the world’s toughest problems. Challenges made worse by climate change and gender inequality. It works with communities to develop ingenious, lasting and locally owned solutions for agriculture, water and waste management, climate resilience and clean energy. And it shares what works with others, so answers that start small can grow big.
Practical Action consists of a UK registered charity with projects in Africa, Asia and Latin America, an independent publishing company and a technical consulting service. It combines these specialisms to multiply its impact and help shape a world that works better for everyone.
Practical Action started operations in Bolivia in 2010. It is registered as an international NGO and has an agreement with the Bolivian Government in order to implement projects with diverse funding sources, mainly international. Practical Action’s work in Bolivia is very relevant for promoting development processes in both Andean and Amazon areas: it plays an important role in demonstrating models and technologies that work for people and the planet. It is also well positioned as a key development player in the country and has a very good relationship both with the public sector and the civil society.
Consultancy Aim: The aim of this consultancy is to assess the feasibility, potential and risks of establishing a locally registered NGO.
Full Terms of Reference will be shared with candidates.
Duration: We expect the consultancy takes no longer than 8 weeks.
Requirements: The consultant should have:
- A background in NGO management and public policy
- A strong strategic and situational understanding of NGOs
- Knowledge of the Bolivian context and regulatory framework
- Relevant experience of the situation of international cooperation in Bolivia
Payment: USD 7,000 – all taxes are included
This consultancy contract will be managed by Practical Action’s Regional Office in Latin America, based in Lima, Peru.
APPLICATION: If you are interested and you met the requirements, please send your CV along with a cover letter commenting on why you are the right person for doing the consultancy, to bo_postulantes@practicalaction.org with the subject “Bolivia local registration” until Thursday 3rd February 2022.
Practical Action reserves the rights of evaluation
Practical Action, carries out the selection process of all the proposals, solely and specifically based on the merits, experience and academic background of the proposals, since its institutional policy does not to consider any other factor that is not inherent to the consultancy, such as gender, race, religion, ethnicity or nationality, caste, tribe, belief, age, marital status, pregnancy, care responsibilities, sexual orientation or disability, with strict adherence to Law 045 of October 8, 2010, for the prevention and punishment of acts of racism and all forms of discrimination within the framework of the Political Constitution of the State and International Human Rights Treaties.
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